Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Zinjanthropus Monument official inauguration

ChargĂ© d'Affaires of the US Embassy in Tanzania Dr. Inmi Patterson congratulates Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania Kassim Majaliwa after the premier officially inaugurated Zinjanthropus Monument at the junction to Olduvai Gorge on Ngorongoro - Serengeti road on July 22, 2019. 

Commissioned by United States based Stone Age Institute and hand sculpted by a local sculpture Festo Kijo, the monument celebrates the deep history of Olduvai Gorge and its rich heritage to the mankind. 

It is also part of outreach and science education to the public by the Mary Leakey Living Museum and the Ngorongoro Conservative Area Authority (NCAA) about the significance of Olduvai Gorge to the human evolution. (U.S. Embassy photographer)

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